Saturday, January 22, 2011

Going the Distance

Going the Distance had me at the trailer. I first saw the trailer before Sex & the City 2 and myself, and the entire audience were laughing so hard (and long) that we missed the opening credits - not that seeing the credits would have made SitC2 any better. However, I didn’t get to see Going the Distance in the theatre, I had to wait for netflix.

Erin is a grad student majoring in journalism and working at a summer internship in NYC when she meets Garrett at a bar the night he breaks up with his girlfriend. The two go in their relationship with a devil may care attitude knowing that Erin leave for California in a few weeks and that they don’t want anything serious - that is until they fall for each other. In a desperate move not to end the best relationship they’ve ever had Garrett and Erin decide to be long distance and make their bi-costal relationship work. What neither of them expects is for the job market to be as big an issue to them as the distance and their friends and family to be able to interfere so much.

I know I am a Barrymore fan, but I downright loved this movie. While it doesn’t reach When Harry Met Sally greatness, this is a romantic comedy that doesn’t try to be typical - it decides to populate itself with great characters, and genuinely funny actors to create a real comedy that just happens to be romantic.

Bottom line is if you’re looking for a fun romantic comedy to netflix this Valentine’s Day, I think this is the movie for you.

Director: Nanette Burstein


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