Friday, May 29, 2009

A month before I told Nadia that I would reserve a day just for her before I leave, since she was one of my best "Mates" in Sydney. Along with my morning emails I sent the suggestion and this Sydney girl replies with what seemed to me like a "Race Around Sydney", u know like the show that those dudes run around cities with a challenge!?
The Email:
Excellent - yes, lets organise a night out starting with sunset at theOrbit Lounge!!!!
I'll organise it - just let me know when you want to do it and I'llorganise it. We can make a really nice night of it - start there fordrinks, go out for dinner in the Rocks, then drinks/dancing at theArgyle!
If you don't mind spending some money on a 'fine dining' restaurant ofSydney, then we could even have dinner there. The restaurant is calledthe Summit - very famous, and very good but rather expensive. I mighthave a discount with my entertainment card...
OR we could go to Orbit lounge for drinks, then Cafe Sydney (anotherunbelievably good Sydney restaurant but also expensive) for dinner and Idefinitely have a discount on my entertainment card with them and it'sdefinitely a really really good discount. (...)

Check it out

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